Food Around Bear Valley


The area around Bear Valley has pretty limited food options, but many of the restaurants that we've tried are quite tasty. Most restaurants close pretty early (around 8 or 9pm), and the hours, especially close to Bear Valley, seem to change depending on the season. Here are some options that were open when we visited the area in June/July of 2017.

Within 10 minutes of Bear Valley Lodge

  • Bear Valley Lodge
    • Creekside Diner
      • Pretty typical American/Californian fair. It's not going to knock your socks off, but it's super convenient (first floor of the lodge) and the ambiance is quite pleasant.
      • Open for dinner.
    • Sky High Pizza and Pub
      • Pizza! We haven't actually had a chance to check this place out yet, but the reviews are decent. It's in the "commercial" section of the Bear Valley Lodge - probably a 2 minute walk from the hotel section.
      • Open for lunch and dinner.
    • Bear Valley General Store
      • Tiny grocery store. Among other things, they sell sandwiches for lunch and muffins for breakfast. Also a 2 minute walk from the hotel rooms.
  • Lake Alpine Resort
    • Restaurant serving American/Californian food.
    • Open for lunch, dinner, and maybe breakfast.

Within 40 minutes of Bear Valley Lodge

The town of Arnold has quite a few restaurants ranging from fast food to a bit more upscale. We've tried a few and they were tasty. There's a reasonably sized grocery store in town, as well as gas stations, convenience stores, etc. 

Within 1 hour of Bear Valley Lodge

Both Murphys and Angels Camp are along Highway 4 west of Bear Valley. Angels Camp is the last place that really feels suburban (ex-urban? even-mildly-urban?), and is the best place to stop if you are arriving late(ish) and need dinner. Murphys is a cute little town with a plethora of wine-tasting.